Harmonizing Urban Life with Nature

02 Oct 2023
Picture: SasinSEC team member Lars Svensson and Panichat Kitisittichai in session Last month, Lars Svensson and Panichat Kitisittichai, SasinSEC, offered a talk on “Biophilic Design for Thermal Comfort Enhancement in Green Urbanism.” The occasion was an International Workshop on Green Urbanism jointly organized by Meijo and Chulalongkorn Universities. Chulalongkorn’s Faculty of Architecture hosted the event. As we look to the future, it’s clear that integrating nature into our urban landscapes is not a design choice, but an imperative for the well-being of our planet and its inhabitants. “Biophilic Design” is an architectural approach that seeks to incorporate natural elements and processes into the built environment to improve well-being and sustainability. In an era of rapid urbanization and climate change, it is crucial to reimagine how we design and inhabit our cities. Biophilic Design can aid in this – for example, by helping enhance thermal comfort within the context of green cities. Biophilic design is an innovative approach to interior design, architecture, and urban planning that recognizes the profound connection between humans and the natural world. It seeks to create urban spaces that sustain life and enhance our well-being. Some examples – ● Thermal Comfort Enhancement: Biophilic design can significantly improve thermal comfort in urban areas. By harnessing nature’s principles, we can create spaces that remain comfortable year-round while reducing energy consumption. ● Sustainability: Biophilic design aligns with the Sustainability Goals. By incorporating greenery, natural light, and water features, we reduce the carbon footprint of our cities and mitigate the urban heat island effect. ● Well-being: Exposure to nature within urban environments positively impacts mental and physical health. Biophilic design fosters stress reduction, creativity, and a deeper connection to the environment. As Southeast Asia grapples with urbanization and climate change, SasinSEC believes Biophilic Design offers hope. In shaping the cities of tomorrow, nurturing a harmonious coexistence between urban environments and the natural world is possible through out of the box thinking and collaborative action. SasinSEC encourages modeling sustainable, comfortable cities that will stand resilient in the face of urbanization and climate change. Fashioning a world of green, livable cities is a journey that has only begun. ________________________________________
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